AWARD took part in several activities at theTRB, the 2021 Automated Road Transportation Symposium (ARTS21).
Convened by TRB, the 2021 Automated Road Transportation Symposium (ARTS21) it is the continuation of TRB’s annual summer symposia on automated vehicle systems. One of the most important symposiums around the world.
ARTS is unique among conferences about transportation automation. It is produced by a group of ~200 TRB volunteers, experts in their field, who dedicate themselves to creating balanced agendas that help to inform attendees about ongoing research, business developments, public agency investments and operations, and policy formation. Every year, the ARTS program comprises a timely mix of influential plenary speakers and breakout sessions to provide local, national, and international perspectives on AV policy and practice. This year’s agenda addressed safety assurance, business developments, roadway operations, human factors, public acceptance, trucking, transit, legislative and regulatory affairs, and more.
The AWARD H2020 Project took part in several joint activities with other EU projects at the TRB ARTS 2021:
1) AWARD participated in the breakout session with other CCAM projects (Ensemble, AVENUE, SHOW, L3Pilot, HiDrive) to present the AWARD approach to scaling autonomous logistics at the international Automated Road Transportation Symposium. Project partners, Easy Mile and Enide virtually presented AWARD with their approach to scaling autonomous logistics focusing on new horizons for connected, cooperative and automated mobility.
2) AWARD participated in the breakout session called ´Enabling Technologies: A peek under the hood and was presented by the project partner Applied Autonomy, who gave a talk on the ´Integration of sensors, compute and accelerators, V2V/I2V and SW to drive the vehicle´.
3) AWARD took part in a webinar called ´Connected and Automated Driving – C-V2X and AI experiments´ and was presented the project partner VTT .
Do you want to know more? Check out the presentation.