Connecting Cities & Business for Innovation in Urban Logistics

AWARD participated in a side event at POLIS 2021 organised by ALICE on 2nd December 2021.

What is POLIS 21?

POLIS is the leading network of European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport. POLIS supports the exchange of experiences and the transfer of knowledge between European local and regional authorities. They also facilitate the dialogue between local and regional authorities and other mobility stakeholders such as industry, research centres and universities, and NGOs. The POLIS Annual Conference provides an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners and decision makers. 

ALICE promoted a side event in the framework of POLIS to facilitate the networking among European projects and experts in the field of sustainable logistics. 

Why did AWARD participate?

AWARD is part of the EU funded projects on sustainable logistics. The meeting meant at connecting several related projects, and at connecting cities and business, aiming to foster potential cooperation on horizontal collaboration and develop better understanding on possibility of sharing between cities and logistics operators of data, assets, infrastructure, etc.

Jean-Baptiste Hahn from CARA presented the project and participated in the wider discussion about future cooperation.

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