AWARD at at the GMC 2023 in Madrid

Image – Copy right: GMC

The AWARD project made its mark at the prestigious Global Mobility Call, held from October 24 to 26, 2023, in Madrid, Spain. This unique event is dedicated to advancing sustainable mobility of both people and goods, bringing together a diverse mix of industries and stakeholders from around the globe.

Global Mobility Call serves as a crucial platform for networking, creating business opportunities, and sharing insights between companies, city councils, institutions, administrations, and other organizations committed to sustainable mobility. The event is renowned for fostering rich dialogues and collaborations that aim to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in the mobility sector today.

During the conference, Olav Madland of Applied Autonomy presented on “Autonomous transport – Mobility and Logistics,” incorporating a significant focus on the AWARD project. This presentation highlighted the innovative strides the project has made in the realm of autonomous vehicles, underscoring its potential to revolutionize logistics and transportation.

You can download the presentations for free from the AWARD website: AWARD H2020 – Presentations ( 

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