Make an impact!

It´s been a busy period as the review of AWARD´s so far achievements is coming up! Our consortium of 29 partners from 12 countries will meet up in Brussels in early September 2022 to discuss the potential of AWARD outcomes. Among others, we will review the analysis of the Second AWARD Acceptance Factors Surveys. You are still in time to have your say by filling out the survey! Your input will contribute to the development and worldwide deployment of connected and automated transport systems.

Happy reading! 

Make an impact! Take part in AWARD Survey

Make an impact! By taking part in this 10 min Survey you are supporting the development of well-designed future automated road transport logistics systems. Your input will contribute to exploring potential benefits, concerns, and other considerations regarding automated road transport logistics systems.

Take part
AWARD video to be screened at TRA2022!

AWARD video has been selected by the European Commission (EC) to showcase the project at the TRA Conference (the Transport Research Arena) - the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility! It will be screened as part of the broadcast video at the EC exhibitor stand. Come say hi!  

Play the video
Few perks from the international events

The AWARD international team participated in a number of events throughout Europe, such as the STORM Stakeholder Workshop and LogiMAT.  

We got published

Don´t miss out on the latest AWARD publications! Have your pick:

-> La plateforme PAVIN Brouillard Pluie

-> TeleOperationStation: XR-Exploration of User Interfaces for Remote Automated Vehicle Operation

-> Engaging with Automation: Understanding and Designing for Operation, Appropriation, and Behaviour Change

Publication overview
The 3 most important challenges during the deployment of the hub-to-hub use case in the EU project AWARD-H2020
Keep up to date

Would you like to participate in AWARD surveys, workshops and events? Join our wide network of stakeholders in the field of automated transport systems!

Join us!
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006817. The content of this website reflects only the author’s view. Neither the European Commission nor the CINEA is responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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