Latest perks!

We are coming to the end of the project with important results and news!

⚡We're gearing up for the AWARD 2nd Final Conference: Revolutionizing Logistics – A European Conference on Automation in Logistics, set for June 13th in Brussels. 

⚡We've made significant advancements in our four pivotal use cases: Ports, Hub-to-Hub operations, Forklift automation, and Airports.

⚡AWARD has been prominently featured at major industry events such as Connecting Europe Days and TRA 24, and has fostered valuable synergies with other European projects to enhance our collaborative impact.

Enjoy a good read and join us!

AWARD 2nd Final Conference: Revolutionizing Logistics – A European Conference on Automation in Logistics | Brussels, 2024

The AWARD project is delighted to invite you to its Final Conference, a key event for the automation and logistics sector, taking place on June 13, 2024, at Comet Meetings – Louise, Brussels. This day will serve as an unparalleled opportunity for professionals, researchers, policy makers, and all stakeholders interested in the latest innovations and future perspectives of this rapidly evolving field.

Read more and secure your spot
Revolutionizing Port Operations: AWARD Project's Landmark Achievement with Autonomous Terminal Tractor

Port Use Case: The EZTug / TERBERG Vehicle

The final testing phase for the Port use case hits the spotlight! A driverless terminal tractor jointly developed by EasyMile and Terberg Special Vehicle has been successfully used in the first toll-on/roll-off port operations at DFDS´ terminal in Rotterdam (Vlaadingen), the Netherlands. This marks a significant advancement in the field of autonomous vehicle technology and port operations. 

Revolutionary Remote-Controlled E-Truck Hub-to-Hub Demo

Hub-to-Hub Use Case: the KAMAG Vehicle 

The TII KAMAG autonomous vehicle was successfully utilized to transport goods between two designated hubs (logistics nodes): the BRP-Rotax factory site and the DB Schenker logistics site in Gunskirchen, Austria, as part of the AWARD H2020 project. The route encompassed the respective factories, secondary and main public roads, and bustling intersections. Watch the new video of the Autonomous swap body mover in action!

Significant Progress in Forklift and Airport Use Cases!
Copyright: AIT/

Forklift Use Case: the CRAYLER Vehicle 

In November, safety tests for the forklift were conducted at the DigiTrans GmbH in St. Valentin, Austria, laying the groundwork for further advancements. Building upon these initial tests, the AWARD project reached another pivotal milestone with the Forklift demonstration event on May 7th at the AIT Large-Scale Robotics Lab in Seibersdorf, Austria. 


The EZTow autonomous tow tractor has recently marked a significant achievement at Oslo Airport. Braving the snow, EZTow operated at Level 4 of autonomous driving, showcasing unparalleled resilience and innovation in autonomous mobility solutions.

Few perks from the latest events

The AWARD team has participated in a number of events over the last few months, find out about them all.


Would you like to participate in AWARD surveys, workshops and events? Join our wide network of stakeholders in the field of automated transport systems!

Join us

We hope to see you at the final event in Brussels! 🚀🌟 

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006817. The content of this website reflects only the author’s view. Neither the European Commission nor the CINEA is responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.