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AWARD survey #1

Acceptance Factors Survey

AWARD aims to develop systems for “All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations“. Currently we are investigating the requirements for such autonomous logistics operations and need your input! The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Autonomous logistics systems have many stakeholders such as operators, managers, future fleet managers, teleoperators, maintenance staff, vehicle manufacturers and many more. The goal of this survey is to understand and gain detailed insights into the different factors that determine the acceptance of such systems. We are interested in the needs and concerns of all affected stakeholders.

AWARD faces four automated logistics use cases at different sites including diverse stakeholders and users.


Automated goods handling within the logistics hub


Hub-to-hub transport on public roads


Automated transport for airport baggage handling



Automated trailer transfer with port terminal systems

If you represent several stakeholder groups please select the one you identify with more strongly. Please add any additional insights from other perspectives you are familiar with in the comment field of question. If you are an AWARD partner and represent several stakeholder groups, please make sure you fill out the survey several times with a distinct point of view of each stakeholder group.

If you like to participate in other surveys or workshops please join us here. This survey has been developed by the AIT Austrian Institute for Technology. Should you have any questions or feedback please contact

Follow AWARD Project on Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube to keep updated with its next developments.

survey on potential benefits and concerns regarding automated road transport logistics systems

Efficiency in logistics is at the forefront of sub crisis that have arisen after the pandemic period. In order to contribute to the upgrade of current systems to the new era, Award H2020’s has released a survey to hear all stakeholders involved directly or indirectly with an automated vehicle in the freight domain.  We invite you to also give us your point of view in the second survey of AWARD

Go to the survey

Award survey on automated road transport logistics Business Aspects

Autonomous logistics systems are going to disrupt the road transport industry introducing new innovative business models. This survey takes you only 10 minutes to complete! 

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