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Innovating Port Logistics Operations: An Interactive Symposium on Automation and Digitalization 

*Once you register (click on the ´BOOK YOUR SPOT´ button), you will receive a confirmation email. Don’t forget to save it, as it includes the link to the online event.

Shaping the Future Together: Innovating Port Operations through EU-funded Projects

This virtual symposium unites three EU-funded projects — AWARD, MultiRELOAD, and FOR-FREIGHT — each pioneering in advancing port operations through automation. This 90-minute interactive session will not only showcase these projects’ innovative solutions for enhancing port efficiency, safety, and sustainability but will also engage participants through live polls, Q&A sessions, breakout discussions, and networking opportunities. The event will culminate in a panel discussion on the future of technology in ports, emphasizing collaborative insights and participant-driven topics. Prepare for an engaging experience that invites your active participation and input, shaping the future of automated port operations together.  Dive in, collaborate, and co-create the future with us! 

Agenda: 10-11:30 CET

  • 10:00 – 10:05 CET: Opening Remarks and Introduction (5 min)
  • 10:05 – 10:55 CET: Project Presentations: Showcasing Achievements and Progress in AWARD, MultiRELOAD, and FOR-FREIGHT (50 min)
  • 10:55 – 11:25 CET: Panel Discussion: “The Future of Port Automation Technologies” (30 min)
  • 11:25 – 11:30 CET: Closing Remarks and Feedback Session (5 min)

*Once you register (click on the ´BOOK YOUR SPOT´ button), you will receive a confirmation email. Don’t forget to save it, as it includes the link to the online event.

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